Odit-e's references

Utilit-e is an operation carried out with the assistance of the investments of the State entrusted to the ADEME.

- These projects have received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreements No. 824410 (GIFT), 824392 (IElectrix) and 872525 (BD4OPEM). The Tanzan-e project is carried out with funding by the European Union through the Digital Energy Facility implemented by Agence Française de Développement (AFD).

Africit-e was financed by the Direction Générale du Trésor through the FASEP.
Odit-e - Groupe Sagemcom
17 avenue du Granier
38240 Meylan, France - contact.odit-e@sagemcom.com
Mentions légales
- Odit-e, SAS au capital de 181 674€
- Numéro d'inscription RCS Grenoble 830 800 199
- Numéro individuel d'identification fiscale FR62 830800199
- Directrice de publication Clémentine Benoit
- Concepteur du thème Loic Clemence
- Hébergeur: 02switch 222 Bd Gustave Flaubert, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, 04 44 44 60 40