Join us
After moving to new premises in Meylan, 17 avenue du Granier, we are looking for new team members who share our objectives and our values: contributing to the modernization of electrical networks to support the energy transition and access to energy for all.

I have been working at Odit-e for 1 year and a half as a Business Developer to develop interfaces with metering and asset management software providers.
After a marketing position in the HVAC industry, I was looking for a position with a closer contact to the customers, within an accessible team at every level.
Business developer
I am a software developer at Odit-e, specialized in the back-end part. This position allows me to work on the definition of the software architecture, the choice of technologies, as well as on the design and development of components (APIs, execution of algorithms, ...).
I also bring my expertise to technical discussions with our customers, in order to find the right way to integrate our software into their system.
The most interesting part of this job is to develop a two-faceted software: both usable by our team of researchers (whose work it integrates), and a product tailored to our customers.
Data Science Researcher
With a background in computer science, I am responsible for the IT infrastructure of Odit-e. My role is to ensure the proper functioning of the IT environments for my colleagues to work in, and to design and implement the production infrastructure. I also develop software for international projects.
Technically multidisciplinary, this role focuses on cross-functional topics such as cybersecurity, operational development, the production of our software products, SaaS and on premises integration, large datasets management... and of course the energy footprint of the solutions we offer!
Contributing to the future of energy networks makes me an actor of a fundamental change that is becoming a reality.
Software engineer
Our commitments on gender equality

Meet us
We are located in Meylan, near Grenoble, within an area with a strong technological environment.
Our offers
To join our adventure, and be an actor in the disruption of the global energy landscape, join us!
Spontaneous application
Do not hesitate to apply, maybe you will find the right fit!
Contact us
Write to us at
If you have any questions about the protection of personal data, please contact us at the following address
Odit-e - Groupe Sagemcom
17 avenue du granier
38240 Meylan, France -
Mentions légales
- Odit-e, SAS au capital de 181 674€
- Numéro d'inscription RCS Grenoble 830 800 199
- Numéro individuel d'identification fiscale FR62 830800199
- Directrice de publication Clémentine Benoit
- Concepteur du thème Loic Clemence
- Hébergeur: 02switch 222 Bd Gustave Flaubert, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, 04 44 44 60 40