Digitalizing electricity distribution networks to support the energy transition
Low voltage networks, a new frontier for the energy transition
Low voltage distribution networks are not monitored neither remotely operated. The planning for reinforcing and modernizing is based on the presumed wear and tear of the assets, theoretical load curves, basic tools. This implies high safety coefficients.
However, low voltage networks represent 70% of the assets and generate 50% of the operating costs.

Why Odit-e?
The new challenges of electrical distribution networks
Grids in transition:
Accelerating and sustaining the energy transition in industrialized countries.

200 GW of PV generation to be added to European low voltage networks to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025

7 million electric vehicles charging stations to be installed on European low voltage networks by 2050
Grids in development:
Contributing to the achievement of UN's SDG #7 in developing countries

For the approximately 700 million people living in urban areas, where the electrical infrastructure suffers from a highly unbalanced voltage plan, as well as a high price for productive needs such as the cold chain, rotating machinery, etc.
Supporting the deployment of mini-grids for the 600 million people living in communities isolated from the grid in Africa
A unique opportunity: the smart meters roll-out
For the first time in the history of electrical networks, the massive deployment of smart meters will provide operators with access to a large-scale observation tool related to low voltage networks

Smart meters in Europe by 2030
Smart meters in Africa by 2030
Our different solutions
Completion and correction of GIS

Keep your network connection schemes up to date throughout their life cycles

Estimate the state of the network up until the last kilometer of cable to enable dynamic asset management
Odit-e - Groupe Sagemcom
17 avenue du Granier
38240 Meylan, France -
Mentions légales
- Odit-e, SAS au capital de 181 674€
- Numéro d'inscription RCS Grenoble 830 800 199
- Numéro individuel d'identification fiscale FR62 830800199
- Directrice de publication Clémentine Benoit
- Concepteur du thème Loic Clemence
- Hébergeur: 02switch 222 Bd Gustave Flaubert, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, 04 44 44 60 40